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Stakeholder Mapping is a way of diagramming the network of people who have a stake in a given system. The balance of any ecosystem is defined by the interrelationships of its parts. Each person, key or peripheral, plays a role in how the system works. As a visualization of people’s relationships, interactions, and needs, a Stakeholder Map visualizes the extent and impact of design decisions. It also helps to organize stakeholders by their relative interest and influence on a project.


  1. Identify a subject area to focus on. 
  2. Convene a diverse team of collaborators. 
  3. Generate a broad list of stakeholders. Ask questions like Who is involved? What do they care about? How much influence do they have? 
  4. Draw a symbol of a person for each different type/ role. 
  5. Write a speech bubble to summarize each type/ roles’ mindset. 
  6. Write a label describing each role or title. 
  7. Draw lines with arrows connecting the stakeholders. 
  8. Label each line with a description of the relationship(s). 
  9. Circle and label related groupings. 
  10. Organize the groupings on the interest/ influence matrix.
  11. Identify next steps and roles in relation to the stakeholder mapping.


  • Try to include a broad range of stakeholders. 
  • Strike a balance between breadth and relevance. 
  • Do not represent groups of people in one symbol. 


  • LUMA Institute. (2012). Stakeholder Mapping. In Innovating for people: Handbook of human-centered design methods. essay. 
  • Hanington, B. M., & Martin, B. (2019). Universal Methods of Design: 125 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and Design Effective Solutions. Rockport Publishers.

Downloads & Links

Stakeholder Mapping Worksheet
Universal Methods of Design: Stakeholder Mapping
LUMA Institute: Stakeholder Mapping Mural Template